Carbon Nanomaterials: Graduate Student Award Session | AIChE

Carbon Nanomaterials: Graduate Student Award Session


Gupta, A., Univ of Toledo


By Sep 30, 2020, an application packet must be submitted via e-mail to Prof. Anju Gupta (Anju.Gupta@UToledo.Edu), and include the following information: a) Curriculum Vitae b) 2 letters of recommendation (1 from the PhD advisor). The letters should be e-mailed directly by the letter writer (pdf preferred). c) 1 referred research publication (published or in press) where the presenter is the 1st author (pdf), if applicable. Eligibility criteria: 1. Must be a graduate student pursuing an academic degree at the time of the competition 2. Must not be a past winner of the 22A Carbon Nanomaterials Graduate Student Award



Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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