(116b) Predictive Control Strategy for Hydrogen Production By Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer CELLS Using Renewable Energies | AIChE

(116b) Predictive Control Strategy for Hydrogen Production By Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer CELLS Using Renewable Energies


Bispo, H. - Presenter, Federal University of Campina Grande
Martins, M., Federal University of Bahia
Among the water-splitting technologies, electrolysis stands out as the most efficient method. A newer generation of electrolyzers, known as proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers (PEM), distinguishes itself by employing a thin solid polymer electrolyte (membrane) instead of a liquid electrolyte [1]. This proton-conducting membrane typically has a thickness of 60–200 µm, with Nafion® being a common choice in commercial systems. Some advantages of this technology include high energy efficiency, the production of highly compressed and pure hydrogen, and flexible dynamic operation [2]. To generate hydrogen from renewable sources such as wind and sunlight, the fluctuating profiles of these green sources can be directly utilized as input power profiles for PEM electrolyzers [3]. In this study, we propose a strategy for optimizing the current density profile entering the electrolyzer from combined renewable energy sources (wind and solar). The dynamics of power consumption and H2 generation were simulated using AVEVA Process Simulation (APS) Software and its library for renewable energy. Control strategies based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) were designed to suppress fluctuations and improve the durability of PEM electrolyzers. However, it was necessary to develop a model using APS Python scripting interface as it assumes constant power consumption of an electrolyzer in dynamic mode. The communication is effective and easily manipulable, thus facilitating the implementation of advanced control strategies. Identifying operating windows in which degradation is minimal is crucial for implementing PEM water electrolysis on a large scale [3]. The MPC control strategy ensures the continuity of H2 production, as the energy consumed by the electrolysis is almost equal to the energy supplied from the wind and solar panels.


[1] BARBIR F. Pem electrolysis for production of hydrogen from renewable energy sources. Sol Energy 2005;78:661–9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2004.09. 003.

[2] ARICÒ A, SIRACUSANO S, BRIGUGLIO N, BAGLIO V, Di BLASI A, ANTONUCCI V. Polymer electrolyte membrane electrolysis: status of technologies and potential applications in combination with renewable power sources. J Appl Electrochem 2013;43:107–18.

[3] RAKOUSKY, C.; REIMER, U; WIPPERMANN, K; KUHRI, S.; CARMO, M.; LUEKE, W.; STOLTEN, D. Polymer electrolyte membrane water electrolysis: Restraining degradation in the presence of fluctuating power, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 342, 2017, Pages 38-47, ISSN 0378-7753, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.11.118.