(11j) Unified Multiscale Modeling for Catalysis: From Atomistic Insights to Reactor Design
AIChE Annual Meeting
2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum
Software Engineering in and for the Molecular Sciences
Sunday, October 27, 2024 - 5:24pm to 5:36pm
Under the framework of the EU-funded ReaxPro project (https://www.reaxpro.eu), we have developed a multiscale modeling workflow that combines the versatility of the Amsterdam Modeling Suite (AMS) for atomic-scale simulations (including density functional theory (DFT) and machine learning potentials), automated energy landscape explorations with EON (https://theory.cm.utexas.edu/eon/), and Zacros (https://zacros.org) for dynamic modeling of heterogeneous catalysis. This seamless workflow is enhanced by an intuitive graphical interface and automatic search methodologies for transition states at different levels of theory. In particular, our recent integration of Quantum Espresso (https://www.quantum-espresso.org) with AMS allows us to leverage its advanced DFT capabilities, enabling highly accurate energy barrier calculations.
Our strategy enables the exploration of vast chemical spaces using accurate atomistic simulations. We aim to create a user-friendly platform that provides a comprehensive multiscale modeling framework, from atomistic level to continuum modeling of catalytic materials and reactors. This workflow has the potential to revolutionize the catalysis industry by significantly reducing the time and cost of discovering optimal conditions and materials. We will present illustrative examples of different catalytic processes and the current status of integration with the Computational Fluid Dynamics code CatalyticFoam (https://www.catalyticfoam.polimi.it) to bridge the gap to reactor-scale modeling.