(180g) Shape-Dependent Plasmonic Properties of Liquid Metal Nanostructures | AIChE

(180g) Shape-Dependent Plasmonic Properties of Liquid Metal Nanostructures


Jamalzadegan, S. - Presenter, North Carolina State University
Velayati, A., North Carolina State University
Zare, M., North Carolina State University
Dickey, M. D., North Carolina State University
Wei, Q., North Carolina State University
EGaIn (eutectic gallium-indium) liquid metal (LM) alloy, becomes an attractive new nanomaterial due to its unique properties such as deformability, high thermal and electrical conductivity, low volatility, and viscosity. In this study, we systematically explored the emerging plasmonic characteristics of EGaIn nanoparticles in the broad UV-vis-NIR spectral range withFinite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) simulations. In particular, we investigated shape-dependent surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effects of EGaIn nanoparticles of various sizes. Our findings highlight the versatility of LM nanoparticles, particularly EGaIn, in the growing field of nanoplasmonics for novel applications from biosensing, optics, to drug delivery and therapy.