(376c) Student Involvement in Generating Material for a Hands-on Brew Lab: Reflections on Self-Efficacy and Engagement | AIChE

(376c) Student Involvement in Generating Material for a Hands-on Brew Lab: Reflections on Self-Efficacy and Engagement


Pfleger, B., University of California, Berkeley
Studies have shown that student-generated content can enhance learning by centering curriculum around the learner: this creates space for authentic exploration of topics intriguing to the learner and can build rapport between the instructor and their students. We adopted this paradigm when building out the new Nanobrewery and Fermentation Instructional Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Four undergraduates worked on independent projects where they identified unit operations within the brewing process, brainstormed potential variables and measurable outcomes, and tested experiments to generate a draft protocol that would be usable in future courses. Following this experience, we implemented a similar, student-driven process for about 20 undergraduate students in a summer laboratory course to design and carry out experiments of their choosing. Students were asked to self-report their findings and reflect on their experience during this process. We anticipate that building flexibility into student engagement increases student self-efficacy, or their confidence to complete tasks relevant to the brew lab objectives.