(547d) Simulating Processing of Actinides and Developing Expertise (SPADE) | AIChE

(547d) Simulating Processing of Actinides and Developing Expertise (SPADE)


Saito, H., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Narain, S., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Childs, B., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The SPADE project is an initiative within the Nonproliferation Stewardship Program addressing the growth and sustainment of technical expertise in nonproliferation applications associated with Plutonium reprocessing and recovery operations. This presentation provides an overview of SPADE with focus on coupling physics-based computational modeling and simulation with machine learning techniques to create an environment that will enable workforce development, advance science and technology, and enhance infrastructure environments to support the stewardship of nuclear fuel recycling. The progress towards a virtual simulation environment will be shared with emphasis on machine learning applications within the project.

Prepared by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. LLNL-ABS-864225
