(583b) Towards Real-Time Inference of Thin Liquid Film Thickness Profiles from Interference Patterns Using Transformer Models.
AIChE Annual Meeting
2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
Dynamic Processes at Interfaces
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 - 3:48pm to 4:06pm
In this work, we develop a scalable solution to this problem leveraging advances in transformer models. Specifically, we engineer vision transformer networks with a U-Net architecture capable of end-to-end mapping of interferograms to thickness profiles. To train these data-intensive networks, we generate very large synthetic interferogram-thickness profile pairs utilizing known physics governing thin film structure and evolution. Preliminary evidence suggests that these models can recover thickness from interferograms agnostic of their source with an accuracy comparable to existing manual annotation methods. The film thickness recovery time per frame is less than 2 seconds on a conventional CPU, which is a 300-fold speedup compared to the existing manual method. Deploying this model on GPUs with further improvements promises real-time inference of film thickness and has the potential to accelerate the translation of thin film interferometry-based methods to industrial and clinical applications.