10A: Advances in Process Design | AIChE

10A: Advances in Process Design



Bongartz, D., RWTH Aachen University
Avraamidou, S., Texas A&M University
Lee, L., University College London

This is the primary session 10A, Systems and Process Design. After review, accepted abstracts will be organized into sessions under the heading “Advances in Process Design”. Submissions may include a broad range of topics based on Process Systems Engineering (PSE) tools and methodologies, including: (i) Recent advancements in synthesis and optimal design of economically viable, environmentally sustainable processes; (ii) Novel theories, methods, and design strategies, including AI/ML; (iii) New applications, including unconventional feedstocks (such as CO2 utilization), the circular economy, and integrated product/process design; (iv) Non-traditional applications, including decarbonization and electrification of industrial processes, modular designs, flexibility, and process intensification; (v) Novel theoretical, algorithmic, and computational methods; (vi) Incorporation of techno-economic and life cycle analysis; (vii) Industrial application of PSE tools and methodologies in industry, such as case studies elucidating the impact in quantitative terms. Mathematical and simulation-based approaches for design are welcome. Specific contributions to the state-of-the-art should be clearly stated in the abstract. Other major 10A sessions include: (i) 10A: Process Synthesis & Design for Sustainability, (ii) 10A: Process Design for a Net Zero Carbon Economy, (iii) 10A: Design and Operations Under Uncertainty (co-sponsored by 10C), and (iv) 10C: Industrial Applications in Design and Operations (co-sponsored by 10A).



Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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