Anisotropic Particles: Synthesis, Characterization, Modeling, Assembly, and Applications | AIChE

Anisotropic Particles: Synthesis, Characterization, Modeling, Assembly, and Applications


Torres-Diaz, I., University of Florida


Samaniuk, J., Colorado School of Mines
Al Harraq, A., Louisiana State University

Anisotropic colloids are particles that possess one or multiple anisotropies in the geometric, interfacial, compositional, or physical properties. Examples of anisotropic colloids include, but are not limited to Janus spheres, non-spherical particles, patchy particles, and colloidal clusters. Unlike their isotropic counterparts, anisotropic particles possess directional and re-configurable interactions. This session welcomes contributions for novel synthetic methods and fabrication techniques for making anisotropic particles in micro- or nano-scales; theoretical and experimental studies on the behavior of self- and directed assembly of anisotropic particles, and potential applications of anisotropic particles.



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