CO2 Capture By Adsorption II (Processes) | AIChE

CO2 Capture By Adsorption II (Processes)



Danaci, D., Imperial College London

Papers on processes for CO2 capture using adsorption.

We are trialling dedicated sessions for materials and processes for CO2 capture. Please submit any CO2 capture materials research to "CO2 Capture By Adsorption I".
We may reshuffle the submissions between "I" and "II" if there is much greater demand for one session over the other.

You are welcome to submit any process related work on DAC to this session, however, we may transfer those submissions to the "Adsorption for Negative Emissions" session following discussion with the sessions chairs.

If you have any questions, you can find David's e-mail address on his University profile page.
Session chairs: Dr. Nagesh Pai (Svante, CA), Dr. David Danaci (Imperial College London, UK).



Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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