Crystallization Process Development | AIChE

Crystallization Process Development


Kulkarni, S., Pfizer


Stelzer, T., Crystallization Design Institute
Aprile, G., Technical University of Denmark

Crystallization is an industrially important unit operation for purification and formulation of a wide range of chemical products, including pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals. Developing a crystallization process can be challenging, often complicated by multiple components and requirements that the solids are consistently isolated in the desired polymorphic forms, compounds, or solvates. Control of particle size distribution may help avoid difficult filtrations or high impurity content. This session welcomes contributions related to theoretical as well as practical approaches to crystallization process development, including techniques and tools that can lead to more efficient development of robust crystallization processes. Case studies and examples of how commercial crystallization processes are developed, and papers which describe the design and operation of batch or continuous crystallization processes are particularly encouraged.



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