Decarbonization by Electrification: Separations | AIChE

Decarbonization by Electrification: Separations


Mallapragada, D., MIT Energy Initiative
Modestino, M., New York University
Palou Rivera, I., Rapid/Aiche

The decarbonization of the chemical industry is of urgent need to address climate change and global carbon emission regulations. The decarbonization of the chemical industry through electrification with renewable energy is a topic that is cross-cutting across the society. In this sub-topical, electrified separations for decarbonization of the chemical industry will be presented. Examples include membrane separations; electrochemical separations; and electrically-driven traditional separation unit operations such as distillation, adsorption and stripping; among others. Both the fundamental separations and the unit operations designs will be considered.



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