Decarbonization pathways | AIChE

Decarbonization pathways


Mallapragada, D., MIT Energy Initiative
Wang, L., National University of Singapore
J. Subramani, H., Chevron Energy Technology Company

Sustainable (Lower Carbon-Intensive) Energy Solutions: The Art of Scale-up and/or Scale-out: Although there are many great technology ideas these days on lower carbon-intensity energy solutions from the sciences/engineering community (with quite a bit of funding to go from ideas to startups), many of the "hard-tech" lower-carbon-intensity energy solutions struggle with scale-up/scale-out technical challenges (which Chemical Engineers will readily identify as thermodynamic/kinetic/heat- & mass- transfer limits). This topical program intends to showcase subject matter experts' perspectives/experiences on scale-up/scale-out technical challenges and solution pathways for sustainable lower-carbon-intensity energy needed to decarbonize industrial processes. The presentation may focus on identification of such technical challenges (when novel ideas are pursued) and/or steps towards addressing the challenges and/or successful practical/reliable scalable solutions realized. This session will focus on a few different decarbonization pathways.



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