Directed and Self Assembly of Colloids | AIChE

Directed and Self Assembly of Colloids


Al Harraq, A., Louisiana State University


Torres-Diaz, I., University of Florida
Shapturenka, P., The City College of New York
Liu, A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

In recent years, there has been an increase in the synthesis of colloidal particles of different shapes and surface properties to serve as building blocks for the bottom-up assembly of micro- and nanoparticulate materials. Currently, there is a commensurate demand to understand the interactions underlying both self- and directed assembly mechanisms, including but not limited to particle-field and particle-particle interactions. Such understanding is key to the design of colloidal assemblies with controllable order and symmetry. This session welcomes experimental and theoretical contributions to the assembly of particles at the micro- and nano-scales, equilibrium and dynamic simulations of isotropic or anisotropic particle assembly, and potential applications of self- and directed assembly.



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