Faculty Candidate Session: Food, Pharmaceuticals, and Bioengineering III | AIChE

Faculty Candidate Session: Food, Pharmaceuticals, and Bioengineering III


Stoppel, W., University of Florida


Stern, L., University of South Florida
Dong, J., Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Howsmon, D. P., Tulane University
Bajpai, V., Stanford University
Park, J., UCLA

This session is designed to highlight faculty candidates who's research aligns with the themes and topics of Division 15: Food, Pharmaceuticals, and Bioengineering. These scientific talks will highlight recent research advancements and results by faculty candidates, organized to provide search committees with an easy way to engage with these candidates and see their research accomplishments.



Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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