IDEAL Panel Session: Supporting Mental Health in Chemical Engineering: Perspectives from Academia and Industry | AIChE

IDEAL Panel Session: Supporting Mental Health in Chemical Engineering: Perspectives from Academia and Industry


Servoss, S., University of Arkansas


Wilson, S., University of Kentucky

Join us for a panel discussion with chemical engineering leaders that embody AIChE’s IDEAL Principles. The panel will explore the landscape of mental health in engineering, with insights from both academic and industry perspectives. Our panelists—Tony Butterfield (University of Utah), Jim Pfaendtner (NC State University), and Jean Tom (Princeton University and former executive at Bristol-Myers Squibb)—will share best practices and strategies for supporting mental health among engineers. The session will cover approaches to fostering wellness in both university and industry environments, offering valuable guidance for chemical engineers at all levels.


Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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