Membranes Designed for Ion-Ion Separations I | AIChE

Membranes Designed for Ion-Ion Separations I


Phillip, W., University of Notre Dame
Porter, C., Yale University

This session invites both computational and experimental abstracts focused on membrane materials and processes specifically designed for solute-selective separations (ion-ion, organic-organic, etc.) for liquid feeds. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the design and synthesis of novel polymeric and/or inorganic membranes, structure-property relationships that drive high selectivity, thermodynamics of solute-membrane interactions, kinetics of solute diffusion in membranes, in-depth characterization of solute selectivity, and mechanistic insights to selectivity. Relevant application areas may include rare gas separations, organic solvent reverse osmosis, ion-ion separations in resource recovery, among others. Contributions that apply machine learning and artificial intelligence to membrane design are welcomed. 2023 Sessions that resulted from this theme: Membrane-Based Organic Solvent Separations; Membranes Designed for Solute Selective Separations; Membranes Designed for lon-lon Separations I; Membranes Designed for lon-lon Separations II.



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