Modeling and Analysis of Chemical Reactors I: Managing Heat and Mass Transfer | AIChE

Modeling and Analysis of Chemical Reactors I: Managing Heat and Mass Transfer


Gupta, U., Siemens


Goyal, H., Indian Institute of Technology Madras

This session will highlight recent advances in experiments and modeling of reaction systems and reactors with emphasis on spatio-temporal patterns and deliberate unsteady state operation of reactors. The scope of papers can include observation, prediction and analysis of multiple steady-states, flow instabilities, periodic/quasi-periodic or aperiodic spatial, temporal or spatio-temporal pattern formation, micro or global kinetic modeling of specific reaction systems, modeling and analysis complex catalytic and multi-phase reactors, and the development of new analysis, measurement or simulation techniques. Of interest is also multiscale modeling methodologies for developing analytical and computational models that describe the interplay between different scales to guide catalyst and reactor design. Both fundamental and applied papers are invited.



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