Study for Free - No Tuition Fee - In Germany | AIChE

Study for Free - No Tuition Fee - In Germany

Enrolling at German public universities is unique in that it comes with no tuition fees for undergraduate and graduate studies, not even for international students. This makes studying in Germany very attractive to combine international mobility with a solid university education. The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), the third largest university in Bavaria, offers an international Bachelor’s and Master's degree program in “Clean Energy Processes” that especially targets an English-speaking audience. Admission is granted twice per year and studies start in April (summer term) and October (winter term) for graduate students and once in October for undergraduate students. Upon successful completion of a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree, FAU also offers competitive PhD programs and fascinating real world application topics to obtain a prestigious German Doctorate in Engineering (Dr.-Ing.). Besides general information on tuition free studies in Germany, we will focus on the specific study course majors and research priorities at FAU and provide background about similarities and differences between studying in Germany vs. the United States.



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