Synthesis and characterization of biomass-derived nanomaterials | AIChE

Synthesis and characterization of biomass-derived nanomaterials


Yuan, Y., Oak Ridge National Lab (ONRL)


Pu, Y., Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Timko, M., Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Biomass derived nanomaterial is critical in shaping the future of material science, while challenges still exist from synthesis to material performance in applications. In this session, we would like to cover new and more sustainable approaches in material synthesis (e.g., sources, solvents, processes), as well as advanced material characterization methods, to promote the utilization of sustainable nanomaterials in various forms (e.g., particle, fiber, gel, foam) at a larger scale for energy, environment, and healthcare. This session is co-sponsored by CNMS-ORNL. This session has both invited and contributed talks.




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