Waste Feedstocks to Fuels and Petrochemicals II | AIChE

Waste Feedstocks to Fuels and Petrochemicals II


Abedin, A., Louisiana State University


Muley, P., Louisiana State University
Chen, G., University of Massachusetts Lowell

This "Waste Feedstocks to Fuels and Petrochemicals II' is a continued session from the "Waste Feedstocks to Fuels and Petrochemicals I" session, and will focus on advances in fuels and chemical productions from waste feedstock, including, but not limited to, plastics, biomass, coal waste, municipal solid waste etc. The areas covered will include development of new reactor technology, reactor design and scale up, parametric intensification, system integration, and process economics. The waste-to-chemical or waste-to-fuel process are attractive alternatives to the traditional waste-to-energy route and allow the reuse of carbon into a suitable end product, thus promoting the circular economy concept.



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