(176b) Don't Put Your Report on a Shelf! How Can I Use the Report? | AIChE

(176b) Don't Put Your Report on a Shelf! How Can I Use the Report?


Murata, R. - Presenter, Risk Integrity Safety Knowledge, Inc.
Benaquisto, J., RISK Inc
The PHA report is a gold mine of information. It can be used to enhance areas in a plant, such as training programs and procedures. When utilized fully, it can help identify critical areas for mechanical integrity programs, assist with updating PSI, and provide information for Management of Change and emergency response plans.

With a quality PHA in place, the resulting integration of the PHA into a site’s PSM program has positive ripple effects, improving the quality and effectiveness of other PSM elements such as Procedure Development, Process Safety Information, and Management of Change.

Guidelines are provided for the following:

  • How to set up your PHA to enable easier information transfer
  • Identifying elements for other departments (i.e., MI)
  • How to use information for training and emergency response
  • Updating PSI
  • Procedure development/enhancement

This presentation identifies ways to use the information from your PHA to improve your PSM program.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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