(25c) Determination of Proces Safety KPI and Management Review to Improve Process Safety Performance & Corporate Achievement | AIChE

(25c) Determination of Proces Safety KPI and Management Review to Improve Process Safety Performance & Corporate Achievement


Pupuk Kaltim is a chemical company that produce ammonia, urea & NPK Fertilizer, In addition, the company also stores & uses chemicals in its operational activities and has a high potential hazard in production process. Under these conditions, the company has a responsibility to always maintain the potential hazard. So that organization can continue to operate in a way that is safe for humans and the environment by implementing Process Safety Management.

In chemical Manufacture, storage & Handling. Process safety incident is considered as the biggest business risk in the organization. Should a Process safety incident occur, the consequences to people, the environment and the business itself can be catastrophic. So many process safety lesson learned in the world, such as explosion, fires & toxic material release that occurred in the past. Based on The incident investigation report found deficiencies in several factors, such as mechanical integrity, operational procedures, management of change, communication, training, Hot Work & Contractor Management.

There are many challenges in implementing a Process Safety Management, but the most important is Leadership from the top. They are responsible for ensuring that the Process Safety Management are properly implemented and documented. Measurement & monitoring need to be done to improve Process safety performance, Leadership and management play key roles in the implementation and reinforcement of the process safety measurement program. Effective engagement of senior management has a major impact in encouraging the accurate reporting of the process safety data. Corporate management shall review and communicate the measurement of process safety leading indicators frequently with all levels of the organization.

In Our View, determination of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is the best way to measure and monitor at all levels of the organization. This papper will provide an overview of process safety management practices from the top in our organization to build the process safety management through 14 elements that are monitored in detail by setting several leading indicators as proactive approach to prevent process safety events in Ammonia & Urea Plant.

Effective management review has an effect on improving process safety performance to prevent process safety incidents that indirectly have added value to the organization in achieving corporate performance including the achievement of awards in the safety sector, such as IFA Product Steward Exellence, Responsible Care Gold Award, International Safety Award by British Safety Council and others.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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