(3c) User Friendly Steam Turbine Design to Ensure Easy Operability | AIChE

(3c) User Friendly Steam Turbine Design to Ensure Easy Operability


Mori, T. - Presenter, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

The operability and working environment are critical items for steam turbine when evaluating the life cycle of steam turbines in petrochemical plants. These key criteria are just as important, if not more important, than the efficiency, reliability, and cost of the turbomachinery. This paper will introduce key technology features on steam turbines to ensure “User Friendly” experience.

Compact design and easy maintenance for high pressure components - A suitable work space is required around the steam turbine from the point of view of HFE (human factor engineering) and HSSE (Health, safety, security and environment). Therefore, compact design is required. TV-GV combined type (Steam Valves) is shown as the compact high pressure components to obtain the larger work space in this presentation. Installation area can be reduced 40 % from the conventional type. Also the number of parts can be reduced 50% when compared to the conventional type which allows for easier maintenance and spare parts management.

Automatic operation for steam turbine systems – Automatic operation of steam turbine systems (incl. condensate system, auxiliary system) is required in order to minimize or eliminate field operations. The following examples will be explained throughout the paper - Speed controlled by governor from 0 rpm, automated engage/disengage turning device, automated drain valve, automated gland condenser and automated air evacuation system.

Minimizing steam turbine noise - The noise attenuation technology is important when considering the field working environment and the overall surroundings of petrochemical plants. Special insulation for high pressure casings and special acoustic technology for the low pressure casing are shown as the preferred technology which achieve low noise levels while keeping high reliability. The results of these technologies will be shown through verification tests within this paper.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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