(57ae) An Integrated Approach for Risk Management of Transportation of Hazmat: Use of Quality Function Deployment and Risk Assessment | AIChE

(57ae) An Integrated Approach for Risk Management of Transportation of Hazmat: Use of Quality Function Deployment and Risk Assessment


Zhigerbaeva, G. - Presenter, Nazarbayev University
Yang, M. - Presenter, Nazarbayev University

An integrated approach for risk management of
transportation of HAZMAT: use of quality function deployment and risk

Guldana Zhigerbayeva1, Ming Yang1,2

1 Safety and Risk Engineering Group
(SREG), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, School of
Engineering, Nazarbayev University, 53 Kabanbay Batyr, Nur-Sultan, Republic of
Kazakhstan 010000

The Environment and Resource Efficiency Cluster (EREC), Nazarbayev University,
53 Kabanbay Batyr, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan 010000


of hazardous materials (HAZMAT) is inevitable in the process industries. The
statistics show a significant number of accidents has occurred during the
transportation of HAZMAT. This makes risk management of HAZMAT transportation
an important topic. The tree-based methods including fault-trees, event-trees
and cause-consequence analysis, and Bayesian network, have been applied to risk
management of HAZAMT transportation. However, there is limited work on the
development of a systematic approach. The existing approaches fail to build up
the linkages between the regulatory requirements and the safety measures
development. The analysis of historical data from the past accidents’ report
databases would limit our focus on the specific incidents and their specific
causes. Thus, we may overlook some essential elements in the risk management,
including regulatory compliance, field expert opinions and suggestions. A systematic
approach is needed to translate the regulatory requirements of HAZMAT
transportation into specified safety measures (both technical and
administrative) to support the risk management process. This study aims to first adapt the House of Quality
(HoQ) to House of Safety (HoS) and proposes a new approach- Safety Function
Deployment (SFD). The results of SFD will be used in a multi-criteria
decision-support system to develop
find an optimal route for HazMats transportation. The proposed approach will be
demonstrated through a hypothetical transporation case in Kazakhstan.




This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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