(57cd) Initiative for Advanced Risk Assessment to Prevent Accidents in Our Complex | AIChE

(57cd) Initiative for Advanced Risk Assessment to Prevent Accidents in Our Complex


Toyoshi, F. - Presenter, Safety & Environmental Protection Section
Against recent accidents at chemical plants in japan, we have implemented improvements on tangible and intangible elements in our company. It is based on Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety(RBPS) for the purpose of properly managing risk sources than before.

On the intangible elements, we made a new risk assessment (RA) system for quantitative evaluation in order to manage properly risk source. In addition, to operate the RA system, we created qualification system to raise the knowledge and skills of employees who conduct RA.

With regard to the tangible elements, we are considering the practical use of advanced technologies in order to grasp the quantitatively risk which causes the leakage of hazardous material.I will introduce about details next.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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