(57u) Identification and Management of Process Safety Critical Equipment and Process Critical Parameters to Eliminate the Process Incident- Tata Steel Way | AIChE

(57u) Identification and Management of Process Safety Critical Equipment and Process Critical Parameters to Eliminate the Process Incident- Tata Steel Way


Kumar Sinha, S. B. - Presenter, Tata Steel Limited
Das, R. - Presenter, Tata Steel Limited
Kumar, R. - Presenter, Tata Steel Limited
“Identification and Management of Process Safety Critical Equipment and Process Critical Parameters to eliminate the Process Incident- Tata Steel way to Process Safety”

Rajesh Kumar, Ranadip Das, Surya Bhusan Kumar Sinha

Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur-831001, India


Steel Industries processes many hazardous materials during manufacturing, which if released or ignited can result in deaths or irreversible human health effects, significant property or environment damage or off-site impacts due to acute Toxicity, Flammability, Explosivity, Corrosivity, Thermal Instability etc. Process Safety & Risk Management is one of most suitable methodologies that shall be applied in its true sprits to keep hazardous material contained safely. We started our PSRM journey in 2007& have achieved many milestones since then. In 2015, we developed the new concept for PSRM implementation for its effective implementation to actual benefits from the same. To test the same, I Blast Furnace & LD#1(Steel Making Shop) have been taken as Pilot departments for development of Center of Excellence (CoE) in PSRM. The Journey commenced with focus on four elements of PSRM wheel namely Process Safety Information (PSI), Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), Management of Change (MoC) & Pre Start-up Safety Review (PSSR). Certain advanced tools such as HaZOP, Consequence modelling through PHAST software, Bow-Tie analysis & Layer of protection analysis (LOPA), have been used. The outcome of this exercise has surfaced many unknown hazards as well as lapses in maintaining health of the safety critical equipment. With use of above advance hazard identification & Evaluation tools and establishing their management system, we are able to reduce our risk significantly. This process has also helped to sensitise shop floor employees towards process safety and have equipped them better to manage process related risks. This paper discusses the complete methodology adopted at Tata Steel to implement the CoE journey and inculcating the belief that Safety is not a mere metric but is a condition of survival for our organization

  1. Introduction

A firm foundation in Process Safety has been established across TSL but in pursuit of making process safety a ‘way of life’, the Centre of Excellence concept was undertaken in two manufacturing units in FY16 and in three more manufacturing units in FY17 at Jamshedpur works. But Frequency of high severity process incidences indicated the out status on PSM was inadequate.

Year / Incident Category

Actual Category

Potential Category














Fig -1 Process Safety Incident and its secondary Cause

As we undertook the CoE journey, we used the following three questions and Eliminate High Severity Process Safety Incidence by stablish Process Safety Management in high hazard department

  • Do we know what can go wrong?
  • Do we know what barriers we have to ensure that it doesn’t go wrong?
  • Do we know that our barriers are effective and working properly?

To answer the second & third questions Identification, tagging & management of Process Safety Critical Parameter and Critical Equipment(PSCE) practices had to be established.

  1. Objective of Developing PSM Center of Excellence

The journey commenced with focus on four elements of PSM wheel namely PSI, PHA, MOC & PSSR. Below Framework were used for deployment of Center of Excellence in I blast Furnace & LD #1

Fig -2 Objective of PSM Center of Excellence

  1. Identification & Management of Process Safety Critical Equipment and Process Parameters: In COE, various formats & procedure were revised in consultation and accordingly PSI, PHA, MOC documents were made. Information of these documents is further cascaded to shop floor employees to enhance their knowledge on SOC, SOL, critical interlocks, corrective & preventive measures which is helping in making processes safer.

Following major changes in EDB and PDBs have been done from the existing system

PSI Elements

Gaps in Existing System

Approach in COE for taking care of the gaps

Process Design Basis (PDB)

Not consistent with the TSL guidelines of Process Safety Management (blue book) w.r.t process critical parameters

• Concept of SOC and consequences of deviation included.

Equipment Design Basis (EDB)

• Make and model, inspection and maintenance schedule of identified critical equipment along with associated alarms were listed.

• Identification of critical equipment based on three categories:- Prescribed, Consequence-based and Prevention & Mitigation

Table-1 Gaps in Existing identification of PSCE & Critical Parameters

  1. Use of Process Design Basis (PDB) for Identification of SOC& SOL

System and procedure developed for Standard Operating Condition (SOC) & Safe Operating Limit. Safe Operating Limit ( SOL ) - SOC is may be referred as normal operating range where as SOL referred as design limit& if exceeded will result in to Process Safety incident (loss of containment).

Uniqueness – Practical

  1. Listing down PSRM critical process parameters
  2. Control measures to avoid deviation from desired range of operation (SOC)

All critical process parameters are tagged in DCS system which enhanced visibility of PSRM critical process parameters for control room operators and also helped in monitor & review of all critical process parameters in one screen. Also in DCS clearly defined action standard have been made for operators to avoid a process parameter crossing its limits (SOL).

  1. Use of Equipment Design Basis (EDB) for Identification of Process Safety Critical Equipment

The purpose of Identification and management of process safety critical equipment is helps to ensure effective and efficient functioning of all assets throughout its lifecycle that is, design, identify, maintain, and assure. The assurance processes are also developed to check, if the equipment will perform as required as intended.

Equipment is designated as PSM Critical if they qualify as one or more of below mentioned three categories

  • Consequence-based Equipment
  • Prevention & Mitigation Equipment
  • Prescriptive Equipment

For identification of critical equipment, only that equipment should be considered whose failure will lead to immediate consequence (C-3 to C5 Cases) rather cascading effect

Apart from above category, list of PSM critical equipment shall be revisited / updated based on the Equipment / Component identified during the HAZOP / Other HI tool study & Bow Tie analysis findings.

Uniqueness - Practical

  1. New method) adopted to systematically identify PSRM critical equipment.
  2. Tagged equipment separately in SAP system for identification and tracking of maintenance compliance
  3. Developing SMP for PSRM critical equipment.
  4. Establish protocol for managing PSRM critical equipment.

  1. Management of PSM Critical Equipment

Specific provisions have been made in the SAP PM system. However, it should be remembered that if personnel are unable to carry out maintenance task on PSCE, they are not going to prevent or manage an incident. This is especially critical for all High hazard operations.

  1. Field Tagging and PSM Dashboard Review
  2. Implementation of outcome from above studies & Implementation of best practices were deployed in shop floor. It increases the awareness as well as identification of PSRM critical equipment.

Following things have been done to improve the field visibility

  • Display of same at field (Clear Identification of PSRM Critical Equipment)
  • Display of PSRM board for key KPIs of PSRM
  • Single page in DCS for PDB & linkage with action taken procedure to handle deviation
  • PSRM field visit by all employees ( SGA Teams)
  • Linkage of kaizens / suggestions etc. with MOC

  1. App to monitor Health of Barriers & SOC deviations: IT based/ App based monitoring & triggering system for Proactive action based on process parameters performance to avoid process incident or mitigate its consequence

  1. Management of Process Safety Critical Parameters
  • Alert & Escalation system for process parameters going beyond SOC/SOL
  • Historization of number of deviation of parameters going beyond SOC/SOL

  1. Management of Process Safety Critical Equipment
  • Abnormality notification (Z8) for maintenance job of process safety critical equipment from SAP
  • Planned maintenance (ZM03 and ZM08) report will be generated for all process safety critical equipment.
  • Visibility of the action items to the last person in the chain.
  • Alert in smartphone with list of pending activities.
  • Healthiness status of barrier

  1. Impact on Business

As part of the Process Safety Journey the departments identify PSCE, (and they are tagged in SAP system with their maintenance plan. Special attention is provided to these equipment and employees who do maintenance work on these equipment’s. Barrier Audits are also conducted to check the healthiness of these critical equipment.

Benefits of Identification & Management of PSCP & PSCE are:

  • Drive Business Competitiveness
  • Less number of Process Incidents
  • Cost Reduction & Sustainability Control Plans

Below is the example of reduction in number of A category incidents due to PSCE failure al one of the units LD shop#1,

Though the benefits of Identification & Management of Process Safety Critical Parameters and Critical Equipment are both tangible & intangible, out of which the process incident reduction, increase in production etc can be measured directly

  1. Conclusion

Effective Identification & management of Process parameters deviation and ensure the healthiness of critical equipment is not a choice but a must for survival of our industry.