(60au) Model Development of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Thermal Performance Using Artificial Neural Network | AIChE

(60au) Model Development of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Thermal Performance Using Artificial Neural Network


Biswas, M. - Presenter, University of Texas At Tyler
NASA’s Johnson Space Center has recently begun efforts to eventually integrate air-independent Solid Oxide Fuel Cell systems, with landers that can be propelled by LOX-CH4, for long duration missions. Using landers that utilize such propellants, provides the opportunity to use such systems as a power option, especially since they will be able to process methane into a reactant through fuel reformation. To ensure fuel reformation in the systems, Steam Methane Reformation (SMR) will be employed. Various lead-up activities, such as hardware testing and computational modelling, have been initiated to assist with this developmental effort including the development of dynamic empirical models using artificial neural network. Such a modeling approach has shown to be accurate (R^2>0.9) to predict the thermal and electrical performance for SOFC systems. Hence, such models could be used for system optimization and control design.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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