(60ba) Carbon Dioxide Capturing in a Multistage Fluidized BED Reactor By Amine Impregnated Activated Carbon Prepared from Sugarcane Bagasse | AIChE

(60ba) Carbon Dioxide Capturing in a Multistage Fluidized BED Reactor By Amine Impregnated Activated Carbon Prepared from Sugarcane Bagasse


Patel, H. - Presenter, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
A worldwide temperature alteration came about because of the emanation of ozone depleting substances has gotten far reaching consideration. Among the ozone harming substances, CO2 contributes over 60% to a worldwide temperature alteration on account of its immense outflow sum. To relieve this CO2 outflow turning out from vent gas, A four stage fluidized bed reactor with down comer was structured and designed to ponder the stable working extent in regard of gas and solids stream rate equipped for working in constant way and at low temperature as well. The main work for the session aims at preparing the adsorbent prepared from Sugarcane Bagasse having Diethanol amine enacted carbon (DEA-AC) with different impregnation proportions. Various characterization tests were conducted by preparing this activated carbon using different materials and techniques.

In the upcoming session I am intending to study the Hydrodynamics of the fluidized bed reactor to comprehend its loading and flooding qualities. Analyses will be directed on reactor to measure the gas pressure drop at different gas speeds. Likewise the appropriateness of the created adsorbent for evacuation of CO2 inside a four-staged fluidized bed reactor will be advocated by observing efficiencies.

Keywords: Diethanolamine; Impregnation; Hydrodynamics; Loading and Flooding; Pressure Drop; Adsorbent; Four Stage; Carbon Dioxide; Activated Carbon; Sugarcane Bagasse.