(62c) What Makes a Management System "Vibrant"? | AIChE

(62c) What Makes a Management System "Vibrant"?


Kiihne, G. - Presenter, BASF Corporation
CCPS’s Vision 20/20 looks into the not-too-distant future to demonstrate what perfect process safety will look like when it is championed by industry. At the heart of Vision 20/20 is adherence to five core principles that will help industry target and drive performance improvement and achieve great process safety performance. The first of these Industry Tenets is Vibrant Management systems...but what is a Vibrant Management system, and how can my organization’s management systems become vibrant? This presentation will address exactly those questions, giving numerous examples of Vibrant Management Systems and providing a framework for achieving the adjective: Vibrant!


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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