(80c) Turning a Calling into an Award Winning Business | AIChE

(80c) Turning a Calling into an Award Winning Business


Strata-G, LLC was founded in 2002 with a vision for environmental stewardship and a calling to be a business that honors the simple ideal of treating people the way we want to be treated. By staying committed to this ideal, Strata-G has grown into a successful professional services team of approximately 240 engineers, scientists, safety professionals, and project managers with a culture that is often described as family. Strata-G’s dedication to its core values of integrity, service, and quality has resulted in more than 30 company awards from clients and the community for performance and service, including five Veteran-owned Business of the Year Awards, the Innovation Valley Navigator Award for Community Impact, the 2019 Small Business Administration Region IV Subcontractor of the Year Award, and the 2019 US Chamber of Commerce Dream Big Award as National Small Business of the Year. Dan Hurst, Founder and CEO, will discuss launching a bootstrap startup, building a team, establishing a culture, overcoming fears and failures, and identifying success principles which somehow resulted in a thriving business recognized nationally for its community impact, employee engagement, and customer service.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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