(116aa) Hazard Identification during Routine Maintenance and Operations Tasks | AIChE

(116aa) Hazard Identification during Routine Maintenance and Operations Tasks


OConnor, T. - Presenter, Texas A&M University
Halim, S. Z., Texas A&M University
Three common tasks have been found to be associated with a significant portion of process related fatalities and severe injuries. These 3 tasks are clearing, cleaning and purging lines and vessels, opening lines, and transferring fluids. The specific hazards encountered in incidents associated with these tasks are identified and organized in a mind map. The goal is to provide the basis to improve system design, training, procedures, job hazard analysis and other functions based on hazards actually associated with major harm to individuals. Data is extracted from the US OSHA inspection database for Region 6 which includes Texas and the surrounding states.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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