(17c) Rdr Ereactor CO2-Free Steam Cracking | AIChE

(17c) Rdr Ereactor CO2-Free Steam Cracking


Purola, V. M., Coolbrook Oy

RDR eReactor CO2 Free Steam Cracing

Johannesdahl and Veli-Matti Purola from Coolbrook Oy

Coolbrooks RDR (RotoDynamicReactor - a turbomachine for cracking
hydrocarbons) technology is an innovative technology to provide
significant reduction to CO2
emissions by electrification of steam cracking. Coolbrook has
been developing concepts for the CO2 reduction and will present estimated CO2
reductions of some concept  to replace
conventional furnace section by RDR technology. In addition current status  of the piloting project will be presented. Detailed
design and construction of pilot plant shall start at the beginning of 2021. By
April 2021 first testing phase with air have been completed and the pilot site
is in construction phase.

CO2 reduction by RDR eReactor technology

RDR eReactor
technology can be electrified with potentially no CO2 emissions and it is
flexible to balance renewable energy production fluctuations. RDR eReactor can
be implemented step wise at existing crackers site into the existing
infrastructure. In this way both the environmental and commercial viability is
maximized. Currently, it is technically and economically more viable than any
other existing or announced furnace replacement technology to reduce CO2

has evaluated process concepts for furnace section and calculated energy balances
which  show significant reductions of  CO2. Results
of RDR  emissions calculations presented together
with process energy savings and
new heat integration in plant scale.

Pilot contruction

Pilot plant in Geleen will be built to test and develop RDR Technology process as a whole.

program consists of 8-different type of test runs with about 50 start/stops
divided over the 4 basic raw materials. Duration of a test is from few hours to
one two weeks naphtha run. Average hydrocarbon feed is 400 kg/h. In total an
amount of 450 ton hydrocarbons will be steam
cracked. Project will function as a step
towards commercial pilot size RDR eReactor. The project will deliver a design
tools for the commercial pilot phase, which will have industrially relevant
size and will be connected to a running ethylene cracker.

Air testing

testing of RDR reactor power train is made in Finland during the construction
of pilot . Status of air testing and first result
about the performance of reactor are presented.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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