(40a) Reducing Flaring during Startup of Steam Cracker Unit | AIChE

(40a) Reducing Flaring during Startup of Steam Cracker Unit


Lacy, H. - Presenter, Indorama Ventures Olefins LLC, (IVOL)
Michinel, A., Indorama Ventures Olefins LLC, (IVOL)
Gordy, T., Indorama Ventures Olefins LLC, (IVOL)
Walker, J., Independent Consultant
Shelke, U., Ingenero Inc.
Indorama Ventures Olefins LLC (IVOL), an indirect subsidiary of Thailand’s Indorama Ventures PCL (IVP), Bangkok, had the objective to renovate and restart a dormant ethane cracker in Westlake, LA. Originally planned for commissioning in late 2017 and mechanically completed in May 2019, the refurbished cracker—jointly owned by IVP (76%) and Singapore-based Indorama Corp. (24%)—is designed to process attractively priced ethane and propane feedstock from US shale to produce about ethylene and propylene.

Understanding issues – The reduction of flaring during the startup of a steam cracker is not primarily a cost reduction activity. The primary objective is reduction in emissions. In addition, some process issues and difficulties were identified and overcome. This paper explores in some detail the outstanding issues encountered, the overall strategy implemented, and the actual results. Auxiliary factors such as experience and training of operations personnel are included and discussed as well.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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