(66b) Impact of Big Data on Material / Product Development | AIChE

(66b) Impact of Big Data on Material / Product Development


Big data knits
together and provides objective understandings of the interplay and importance
of many variables, like production, material, performance and market
variables.  It identifies how to effectively supply key attributes, while
improving profitability and efficiencies in developing new materials / products. 
It is being used to develop new theories and methods for improving material
performance; for example, relating resin molecular architecture to microstructure
and micromechanical deformations.   This talk will discuss the
evolving role of Big Data in R&D product development over a 30-year career
working with polyethylene resins.  It will highlight challenges
encountered, milestones achieved, and future possibilities


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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