(77b) Integrating Process Safety and Cybersecurity in Chemical Process Industry for Better Ehss Performance | AIChE

(77b) Integrating Process Safety and Cybersecurity in Chemical Process Industry for Better Ehss Performance

Managing Process Safety Risk is one of the most critical priorities for Chemical Industry. With an added Cybersecurity Risk that Chemical Industry faces due to enhanced Cyber-Physical Attacks in recent times, it is imperative to address both (Process) Safety and Security in an integrated and holistic way to enhance overall EHSS performance. It is said that "There is no Safety without Security and vice-versa". Safety and Security are two sides of the same coin or are like twins. This case-study based presentation covers the following important aspects:

1) Introduction to Cybersecurity and Process Safety Challenges faced by the Chemical Sector today

2) Overview of recent Cyberattacks targeted at Chemical Process Industry.

3) Brief Introduction to Process Safety Management (PSM) and IEC 61511

4) How to use and extend PSM (IEC 61511) principles to meet Cybersecurity Challenges in Chemical Sector

5) Compliance and Regulatory Landscape for Process Safety and (Cyber) Security for Chemical Sector

6) Overview of CyberPHA and Integrated Process Safety and Cybersecurity Risk Management

7) Importance of People aspects in Integrated Process Safety and Cybersecurity Risk Management

8) Case Study discussion

9) Next Steps

10) Summary & Q & A

This case-study driven presentation provides excellent insight and innovative way to identify, assess and address Process Safety and Cybersecurity Risks in Chemical Process Industry through an Integrated approach and also demonstrates how key principles of Process Safety (IEC 61511) Principles be extended to Cybersecurity to enhance overall EHSS performance and mitigate Safety and Security Risk in the Chemical Sector.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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