(79e) Sieve Tray Stability Factor Based on Efficiency Data | AIChE

(79e) Sieve Tray Stability Factor Based on Efficiency Data

The concept of Tray Stability was introduced by the author back in 2010. The data used to determine this modified Froude number was all simulator data and the tray hydraulic parameter examined was weeping. The validation of the stability factor concept is to demonstrate when tray efficiency falls off as one turns down the capacity of a trayed distillation tower. That data is readily available for sieve trays from the publicly disclosed data that has been taken by Fractionation Research Incorporated (FRI) over the past 60+ years. This paper will look at that data and show what physical properties and what mechanical design features affect the value of an acceptable stability factor that maintains good tray performance.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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