Sponsored Technology Workshop - How to Leverage Physics-Based Simulation and AI/ML for Real Time Operations - Siemens Digital Industries | AIChE

Sponsored Technology Workshop - How to Leverage Physics-Based Simulation and AI/ML for Real Time Operations - Siemens Digital Industries


Farrall, M., Siemens
Longwell, G., Siemens Digital Industries Software

The use of a physics-based "Digital Twin" is getting more and more traction to develop process equipment virtually. Digital twins allow engineers to find the optimal design and operating parameters before the unit goes into production. However, these digital twins can't be deployed at the operational level because they can be complex or too slow to react at the speed of operation. Join us for this workshop as we discuss a new set of solutions that lowers the barrier in executing these digital twins on the production floor. This will deliver substantial ROI for the chemical process industry.



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