(174b) 20 Years of Lummus Technology's Helixchanger® heat Exchanger | AIChE

(174b) 20 Years of Lummus Technology's Helixchanger® heat Exchanger


Jibb, R. - Presenter, Mc Dermott
Elsayed, S. - Presenter, Lummus Technology LLC
Balko, C., Lummus Technology LLC
Lummus Technology provides a look back over the past 20 years of the HELIXCHANGER® heat exchanger technology. Delving into how the technology has been applied to solve specific operational issues of conventional shell and tube heat exchangers, such as eliminating vibration risks, increasing run lengths and reducing operating costs (OPEX) for certain fouling or viscous fluids. Guidelines are provided for the most successful applications (with examples) to provide a comprehensive list of the most relevant applications of HELIXCHANGER helical baffles. Finally, we look towards some improvements under development that further extend the performance of shell and tube heat exchangers incorporating the HELIXCHANGER heat exchanger technology.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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