(50a) PSM Auditing Basics for Plant Engineers - Why and How | AIChE

(50a) PSM Auditing Basics for Plant Engineers - Why and How


Garland, R. W. - Presenter, Eastman Chemical Company
The essentials of PSM auditing for plant engineers will be presented. The role of auditing will be explained and its central role in safe plant operation and safeguard verification will be shown, including how it fits with other aspects of plant safety. The objectives of auditing will be discussed along with the general methods. Examples will be used to illustrate. The essential elements of the auditing process will be covered including preparation, protocols, reviews and metrics. Special emphasis will be given to the critical role of communication in the auditing process. The importance of PSM auditing will be further reinforced by explaining how it closes the management system loop and how it can be used to proactively improve process safety.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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