(74a) Leading Indicators to Improve Sustainability and ESG | AIChE

(74a) Leading Indicators to Improve Sustainability and ESG


Wright, L. - Presenter, Celanese Chemicals
A trend in industry to track environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics is evident. Improving ESG metrics is one way to demonstrate a company’s commitment to stewardship and can be important to stakeholders. The American Chemistry Council (ACC) is committed to sustainability by improving industry’s impact to climate, water, circularity, air, product safety and diversity & inclusion. A number of rating services have risen to provide a framework by which companies can make objective comparisons of sustainability measures. This paper will demonstrate how API-RP-754 Tier 3 leading indicators can be used to improve process safety performance and have a direct impact on sustainability and ESG metrics. Tier 3 metrics that focus on water efficiency, plastic waste, and process safety events will be used to show the direct relationship to sustainability.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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