(96b) MOC 101 – Fundamentals for Effective Change Management | AIChE

(96b) MOC 101 – Fundamentals for Effective Change Management


Costa da Fonseca, C. - Presenter, Siemens Process & Safety Consulting
Faulk, N. - Presenter, Siemens Energy
Management of Change (MOC) is the cornerstone of a successful risk-based process safety (RBPS) program. Safe operation and maintenance of facilities that manufacture or store hazardous chemicals require robust process safety management systems. The MOC element of an RBPS establishes a formal, documented, and authorization process for any proposed changes, to manage changes which may introduce unexpected new hazards or increase the risk of existing hazards. Furthermore, the MOC process ensures that changes are communicated to potentially affected personnel, as well as ensures that all affected documentation is updated.

A poor MOC program has been a root cause in several process safety incidents, including the Flixborough disaster. The temporary modifications did not go through a proper review process; an effective MOC program could have discovered the design flaws before the change was implemented and prevented the explosion. In addition to case studies such as this, this workshop will provide an overview of best management practices and essential features for the MOC element, which can be used as a basis to develop or evaluate existing MOC management systems, and as a result play a role in identifying hazards, managing risk, and sustaining safe operations.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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