Sponsored Technology Workshop - Can Digital Twins Solve our Industry's Workforce Challenges? - Voovio Technologies | AIChE

Sponsored Technology Workshop - Can Digital Twins Solve our Industry's Workforce Challenges? - Voovio Technologies

Two former plant managers from BASF and DuPont will look at how Digital Twins can solve the challenges of the workforce and close this gap. Successful Digital Twins must capture tribal (people) knowledge and include the use of (procedure) simulators with data on competency. The ability to educate and test operators on equipment specific procedures provides valuable data on how reliable those operators are. You can measure your people’s availability, reliability and productivity. But what about the ‘operators’ that operate and maintain the equipment? There is a growing knowledge and skills gap in our industry: experts leaving our plants due to retirements or turnover.

We will look at how Digital Twins can solve the challenges of the workforce and close this gap. Successful Digital Twins must capture tribal (people) knowledge and include the use of (procedure) simulators with data on competency. The ability to educate and test operators on equipment specific procedures provides valuable data on how reliable those operators are. You can measure your people’s availability, reliability and productivity.

Join us to learn how our industry can close the knowledge gap with the adoption of Digital Twins.