2022 AIChE Spring Meeting and 18th GCPS AGILE Award Keynote Address | AIChE

2022 AIChE Spring Meeting and 18th GCPS AGILE Award Keynote Address


Castillo, I., The Dow Chemical Company

2022 AIChE Spring Meeting and 18th GCPS AGILE Award Keynote Address 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM - AGILE Breakfast Sponsored by Celanese hosted in the Lila Cockrell Theatre Foyer 8:00 AM – 8:05 AM - Welcome Address, June Wispelwey, AIChE Executive Director & CEO 8:05 AM – 8:10 AM - Introduction & Presentation of AGILE Award, Christine Grant, 2022 AIChE President 8:10 AM – 8:45 AM - Keynote Presentation 8:45 AM – 9:00 AM - Q&A, Ivan Castillo, Spring Meeting Program Chair 9:00 AM – 9:05 AM - Closing Remarks, Christine Grant, 2022 AIChE President



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