S6: Investigating Process Safety Incidents & Near Misses | AIChE

S6: Investigating Process Safety Incidents & Near Misses

This course will follow the incident investigation techniques set forth in CCPS’ most recent edition of Guidelines for investigating Process Safety Incidents while incorporating information from other relevant guidance documents. Each aspect of the incident investigation will be illustrated with case studies pulled from real incidents and near misses. The course will incorporate brief exercises to provide attendees with hands-on experience in applying investigation principles. Registration is required to attend the short course.


Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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AIChE Pro Members $150.00
AIChE Emeritus Members $105.00
Employees of CCPS Member Companies $150.00
AIChE Graduate Student Members Free
AIChE Undergraduate Student Members Free
AIChE Explorer Members $225.00
Non-Members $225.00