(108a) Key Considerations for the Selection and Design of Fixed Bed Axial Flow Vessel Internals | AIChE

(108a) Key Considerations for the Selection and Design of Fixed Bed Axial Flow Vessel Internals


Key Considerations for the Selection and Design of Fixed Bed Axial Flow Vessel Internals

When designing Vessel Internals for a Fixed Bed Axial Flow process, the initial capital cost of a particular Vessel Internal should be balanced with its durability and its impact on the installation, maintenance, and turnaround schedules.

Compatibility with the process gas or liquid composition will determine the material of construction choices. Regenerative and non-Regenerative processes as well as piping arrangement will influence the type, design, and material of construction.

Inlet and outlet flow distribution, end-of-run pressure drop, vessel diameter, and adsorbent/catalyst particle size(s) along with total weight also need careful consideration when selecting and designing Vessel Internals.

This presentation will review and compare all of the above stated considerations when selecting and designing Vessel Internals.