(11a) EPC Keynote:Developing a Roadmap to Net Zero | AIChE

(11a) EPC Keynote:Developing a Roadmap to Net Zero


Marshall, S. - Presenter, NOVA Chemicals Corporation
How can the petrochemicals industry meet global ambitions to be net-zero by 2050? What are short- and long-term milestones on the journey to industrial decarbonization? How can manufacturers reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions?

Sarah Marshall, VP of Sustainability at NOVA Chemicals, will share the company’s plans to drive decarbonization and align to global ambitions to be net-zero by 2050. In addition, she’ll share NOVA’s decarbonization strategy and roadmap for GHG reductions that includes efficiency & electrification projects, renewable and low carbon power, hydrogen and carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) strategies as well as new and emerging technologies.