(124b) Push Testing - Identification of Modifications to Incrementally Boost Plant Capacity | AIChE

(124b) Push Testing - Identification of Modifications to Incrementally Boost Plant Capacity


Sullivan, B. - Presenter, CB&I Petrochemicals
Typically, maximum ethylene plant profit equates to maximum production. Every plant has constraints that limit production. Some of them require significant investments to eliminate, while others do not. A Push Test is a simplified study procedure to identify low risk, low investment opportunities to stretch plant production capacity. While this concept can be applied to larger expansions, typically the objective of a Push Test is to find a set of potential incremental breakpoint modifications that can be easily implemented to boost plant capacity by five or ten percent, without a major investment.

The Push Test procedure combines the use of design capacity factors, operational reviews, and localized plant testing to “push” individual unit operations to their constraining limits to confirm their available remaining capacity with a high degree of confidence. Incremental breakpoints are identified, along with potential modifications needed to mitigate the associated constraints.

The paper will elaborate on the Push Test procedure for an ethylene plant, including descriptions of how to test individual unit operation capacity limits after reaching the initial plant constraint when increasing feed rate. Examples of potential Push Test applications will also be provided


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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