(124f) Low Cost Debottleneck of a C2 Splitter | AIChE

(124f) Low Cost Debottleneck of a C2 Splitter


Granade, C. - Presenter, Exxonmobil Chemical Co
This paper will discuss an example of a low cost solution for a C2 Splitter debottleneck project. The project leveraged a first-time-in-service application of an enhanced heat transfer heat exchanger to overcome a system constraint with the propylene refrigeration system and more completely utilize the hydraulic capacity of the C2 Splitter. There will be a summary of the evaluation of constraints on the tower and the supporting refrigeration system. Then, this paper will detail the selected constraint-removal solution and associated technology and operational risks, including an enhanced heat transfer application on the overhead condensers. Finally, there will be a post-start-up analysis of the performance of the new equipment and overall tower capacity increase for project prove-out.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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