(12a) Effective Procedures and Process Safety | AIChE

(12a) Effective Procedures and Process Safety


Fisher, R. - Presenter, Fisher Improvement Technologies, Inc.
All companies that deal with process safety have procedures. Unfortunately most of these companies have no real idea of what "good" looks like, and knowledge of the error traps that increase the vulnerability of the people using the procedures. Without writers, reviewers, and approvers knowing these critical attributes, the person using procedures often gets "blamed" when problems occur.

This sessions will discus the role of effective procedures on process safety. We will discuss the Top 5 Procedure Error Drivers, and how to diagnose and reduce them to create more effective written guidance. This interactive session will provide the opportunity to understand the next logical steps in an organization improving their procedures.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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